Hello Traders,I hope you are all well and have had a safe, warm, and profitable trading week! I am back at the base camp with access to the internet and I thought I should write to you and give you an update about my journey! I am cold and exhausted and have only made it to Camp 3, but life is about the journey and not the destination. Am I right?Here is a picture of...

Hello Traders,Ardi here, writing on behalf of Andrew. First off, let me give you all an update on Andrew’s journey. He is in great spirits and making his push to Camps 2 and 3. This is his second attempt at these camps and hopefully the weather conditions, in addition to his stamina, will give him the power to complete this push before making his final attempt to the summit.Meanwhile, even with Andrew away, the team...

Hello Traders,I am writing to you from Camp 1 of Mount Everest! My plan is to go back up to Camp 2, and then Camp 3, for another round of climatization today. This year's weather has been particularly uncooperative, resulting in a delay in placing the fixed rope necessary for the Mount Everest summit. In fact, no one has progressed beyond Camp 4.This going up and down is the last rotation and after that we will...

I hope you are all doing well and trading safe. I have some personal updates for you from my journey on Everest. I have now made my initial push to Camp 3. It was one of the most challenging things I have done in my life. The weather is so cold, you can feel your bones, despite wearing a thermal suit. I had to come back and rest and regroup, and then I will make...

Hello Traders,Tonight is the night! My Sherpa and I will be heading up toward Camp 3 (which is at 7,000 m (23,000 ft)) in order to drop off oxygen tanks and some supplies, and then we will be coming back down. We will be crossing the famous Khumbu Icefall that has taken so many lives (including three Sherpas this year alone). No one has been able to fix the rope above Camp 4 so far....

Hello Traders,I am writing this newsletter from the Base Camp of Mount Everest. So much is going on in the market, I feel that I chose the worst time to go to Everest, but hey, we cannot time everything perfectly. I am feeling at peace here and I am ready to make the push higher! Thank you for your positive emails yesterday! I read them all and they made me feel great. Here are a couple of...

I have some exciting news to share with you all. I have reached the base camp of Everest. It is nothing new to me as I was here in 2015 when the earthquake first hit and stopped me from going up Mount Everest. Hopefully this time around, I can make it all the way. In the picture above, you can see the Khumbu Icefall as well as the tents at the base camp. I will rest...

Hello Traders,Ardi here, writing on behalf of Andrew. As you all know, Andrew is pursuing his dream of climbing Mount Everest. I spoke with him yesterday and he is now in great spirits and ready to conquer his goal! Here is a picture of Andrew from earlier in the week, on his first attempt to climb Mera Peak. A lot has been happening in the market and if you are a trader who does not pay...

Dear Traders,The past few days were extremely hard in the mountains. The cold was like no other experience I have had, and Mera Peak was extremely tough on me! The image below is exhausted me, trying to make it to the most difficult peak I have encountered. I have climbed so many high altitude peaks all over the world: Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, and more! None were so challenging and cold. At times on my attempts...

Dear Traders,In the past few days, I have learned so many lessons from Mother Nature, and I have had the opportunity to reflect much on my life. Camping at Mera Peak, beside the icefalls, has been a beautiful and unforgettable experience. Looking at the campsite, you can see that we are at the edge of the mountains, and you can also observe how fragile life is. Accordingly, why not take some chances and live your...