Dear Traders, Many of you who follow me know that I suffered a big loss last year on TNA. But many do not really know what exactly happened and how much I lost. I lost almost 2 million dollars in 2022! That was the first time I cried over money. Two million dollars is a lot of money, even for me. I made some huge mistakes trading overleveraged in a bear market, and I ignored...

Dear Traders,MSFT earnings had a significant impact on the market. Their earnings were great, but their guidance for the future was gloomy, and that caused their 5% gain to evaporate and the market to gap down. Nevertheless, the market’s volatility continues and we saw a big bounce in the market in the afternoon. This level of market volatility is just amazing!Brian and I had a great day trading NVDA, AMD, and TSLA. Given that they...

Dear Traders, It was an amazing trading day with our community in the chatroom! AMD went up 10%, NVDA went up 8%, and TSLA went up 8%. You can watch the recap that Brian and I posted here. As I wrote last week, the market is cooking something. Everything seems to be a buy these days. Why is the market going up?Spotify has become the latest tech giant to be linked with job cuts. I woke up...

Dear Traders,There are some big things happening in the market these days. The retail sales number came in yesterday at -1.5%. Considering inflation is at 7%, this reflects a significant drop in consumer spending. The economy has cooled down, and consumers have backed off. The market sold off and continues to sell off.Today, the market was extremely choppy at the Open, and I had a few bad losses on TSLA and Amazon. Although there is...

Dear Traders,Happy MLK Day (one day late)! I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Today, Jarad and I traded TSLA and NVDA, and I also traded options on Amazon and NVDA. I had a very nice day, and I hope you will get a chance to review my trades in our recap on YouTube. Today, we are holding a very important webinar by Thor on the subject of Volume Price Analysis. It is essentially a...

Dear Traders,Happy inflation report day! Today, the inflation report came in and surprised really nobody. One argument was that the data was actually leaked beforehand. The Labor Department, which compiles and issues the data, dismissed the possibility of a leak. The market traded in a volatile fashion, with the Nasdaq moving as high as 2% intraday, with some excellent volatility at the Open and pre-market. I think the overall state of the economy is now...

Dear Traders,The market is ripping higher now, and Brian and I had some amazing trades on TQQQ, TSLA, and AMD. In particular, the semiconductor sector, which got really beat up last year, is leading the charge. The SOXL ETF, based on the semiconductor sector, which offers 3x leverage, is surging, and the puts that Ardi and I sold on January 6 and 8 are doing well. You can watch our recap here. Paras had the...

Dear Traders,The first week of 2023 turned out to be very strong and volatile, with a ton of trading opportunities. Today, Brian and I made some amazing trades on TQQQ and TSLA, and it in fact ended up being one of the biggest days of my last few months. You can watch our recap here. The market is bouncing back heavily because of some macroeconomic data reports released today. First, the job market came in strong,...

Dear Traders,Happy New Year! I am back from my climbing in Argentina. On December 30, 2022, at 2pm local time, I stood on top of Mt. Aconcagua at around 7,000m (23,000 ft), the highest point in the Western Hemisphere, and in fact the highest point outside of the Himalayas range (Nepal, India, China, Pakistan). We were the last group who could summit in 2022 because of the weather. Since no one climbs above 7,000m in...

Hello Traders! Norm here, writing on behalf of Andrew and the rest of the BBT team. As Andrew is gearing up to be the highest person on earth by climbing the summit of Aconcagua, I thought it would be a great idea to recap the crazy year we had and highlight what is coming next year for BBT. First, let’s talk about numbers and trading: As you probably know by now, 2022 was one of the toughest years...