Wow, what a day yesterday was! First, at 10:10 am ET, Bloomberg disclosed that based on "five people familiar with the matter", a limited trade deal with China would soon be announced by the White House. SPY skyrocketed to make a new all-time high! And then, at 10:50 am, the White House denied the report and SPY took a dive. Nevertheless, investors seemed to be in an optimistic mood because SPY did make a new...

ETF - Exchange-Traded Fund - Represents a stake in the underlying commodity, holds the assets it tracks. ETN - Exchange-Traded Note - Structured product that is issued as senior-debt notes (debt that possesses the highest priority if the company goes bankrupt). Inverse ETF/ETN - Designed to return the exact opposite performance of the underlying index/benchmark (in percentage gains/losses). Leveraged ETF/ETN - Designed to use financial derivatives and/or debt to amplify returns of the underlying index/benchmark (in percentage gains/losses). Usually...

Hello traders, I just wanted to let you know that I have returned from my trip and I am ready to trade tomorrow morning! I am super excited to be back and I cannot wait to see everybody in the chat. I also wanted to wish those in the path of Hurricane Dorian the best of luck. We are keeping all those affected in our thoughts during this trying time. I also wanted to remind you to...

Hello traders, I just wanted to let you know that I will be traveling for the remainder of this week and I won't be trading, but I will return on Tuesday, September 3rd. But don't worry, we have the chatroom covered with some of our incredible mods who will trade live and answer any questions you have! I also wanted to share with you how great the market was today. Volatility is amazing, thanks to the trade...

Hello traders, I just got back from my climbing and running trip to Switzerland. We also had a really nice meet up with some of our traders in in Zurich, thanks to everyone who attended the meetup. Today after I got home from the airport, I fired up my trading station to see what was happening in the markets. I did not have any watchlist, so I was looking for stocks in play and I noticed Disney...

1. Chat Name Joseph 2. City/State/Country Idaho Falls, IDAHO, USA – Originally grew up in Wyoming. 3. How Long have you been trading?  5 years 4. When and why did you join Bear Bull Traders? Looking for a great community of like minded people.  Really the only way to succeed. 5. Recommended Trading Books/Websites/Videos Books: Andrews Day Trading book (How to Day Trade for A Living) Mastering the Trade Japanese Charting Techniques A beginners guide to day trading online ...

1. Chat Name Robenson 2. City/State/Country I live in Irvington, New Jersey, USA. I was born and raised in Haiti 3. How Long have you been trading?  I swing trade by speculation for about 2 years. 4. When and why did you join Bear Bull Traders? I tried a lot of ventures with a partner and I failed on all of them and earlier last year, I almost lost my job. I started to think of something that...