Dear Traders, I miss trading with you all! But here is a very exciting update on my Mount Everest hike so far: The other day I flew to Lukla, which is at 2,800 m (9,200 ft), and stayed there for one night, and then I flew to a small village in the Mahakali Zone named Khar, which is at 4,800 m (15,750 ft). This morning, I came up to 5,800 m (19,000 ft), stayed there, and next,...

Dear Traders,  Hello from Nepal! I have landed at the most dangerous airport in the world! Lukla Airport is located between the mountains and is called “the most dangerous airport in the world”. The reason being is its geographical location. Lukla’s airport is on a mountainside, at an altitude of 2,830 meters (9,285 feet), and has a very short runway, only 457 meters (1,500 feet) long and 20 meters (66 feet) wide. So, if you want to...

Dear Traders, Thank you so much to everyone who joined my farewell social yesterday and wished me luck! It was heartwarming to see so many of your faces, to chat with you, and to receive so many positive vibes. Today, right after my morning trade, I left the Vancouver office for the airport to catch my flight to India. It is a 15-hour flight to New Delhi, and then I am on to Kathmandu to meet...

Dear Traders,Elon Musk is having a bad day. At his favorite number, 4/20, his Tesla stock is down 10%, his net worth is shrinking, and his SpaceX Starship exploded a few seconds after launch. Just about a year ago, he was Time’s Person of the Year, but now he is stuck with his Twitter acquisition, paying $3m in interest a day on the worst deal of the century, his net worth is shrinking daily, and...

Dear Traders,The earnings season continues the volatility for us, and as I am writing this newsletter, Netflix’ after-hours price is having a wild ride due to the release of their earnings. Once again, the stock market closed flat today, but it did offer a series of volatile moves on some of the familiar names such as NVDA and TSLA.oday, I slept in for 30 minutes, but nonetheless, once I had fired up my trading station,...

Dear Traders,We are officially kicking off the earnings season today, with some big names reporting this week. The Trading Terminal Calendar has a list of all upcoming earnings releases and, as you can see, the big ones this week are Netflix and Tesla.Today, the market was volatile but kind of flat. NVDA gave me a very good trading opportunity, and I traded a 5-minute ORB on it. Tomorrow, I will be presenting some of the...

Hello Traders,It is official, the earnings season officially started today with major banks and hedge funds reporting their earnings. JPMorgan Chase nailed their earnings and surged over 7%. I traded JPM with 3 trading strategies: ORB, ABCD Pattern, and 9/20 tradeWe had some solid trading from Brian this morning on Apple and Tesla and lots of trade setups were available. Paras nailed it on AMD and Thor traded many futures. John traded Google. Please watch...

Dear Traders,Tomorrow is a big day. The CPI readings (or inflation number) will be out, and depending on the number, it may very well cause some volatility in the market. Today, TSLA provided several trading opportunities for me and a few other traders. Paras did an amazing trade on it at around 11am ET. Today, we are holding one of the most important webinars we have had in recent times. Our legendary Thor is leading a...

Dear Traders,Happy Inflation Report Day! First and foremost, my friend, colleague, and quant, Carlo Zarattini and I have published a paper together on the long-term profitability of the Opening Range Breakout. We would love the trading community to read it and let us know what you think. You can follow Carlo at his Twitter. He posts some very interesting stuff! The title of the paper is: “Can Day Trading Really Be Profitable? Evidence of Sustainable Long-term Profits...

Dear Traders,As many of you know, we have opened up the registration for our next bootcamp that is starting on May 7, 2023. It is an intense 3-month private mentorship experience where you will work closely with some of our senior traders such as Mike, John, Peter, Aiman, Megan, and Susan. You will also participate in advanced training modules with Thor and Paras on tape reading and volume price analysis trading. Our in-house psychologist, Dr....