Hello Traders! Norm here, writing on behalf of Andrew and the rest of the BBT team. As Andrew is gearing up to be the highest person on earth by climbing the summit of Aconcagua, I thought it would be a great idea to recap the crazy year we had and highlight what is coming next year for BBT. First, let’s talk about numbers and trading: As you probably know by now, 2022 was one of the toughest years...

Hello Bear Bull Traders! I am up in the Argentinian mountains near the 6,000m (+19,000ft) level and I am hoping to be able to push for the summit of Aconcagua. It is the biggest mountain in the Western Hemisphere and, in fact, the highest point in the world outside of the Himalayas. If the weather is good, I can summit on December 30th! I am thinking of all of you and I have brought the BBT...

Dear Traders, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend and was able to spend some much-deserved time with their family and friends. As we move toward the new year, many of us will be making New Year's resolutions, with the aim of improving ourselves in 2023. This is the time of year that you should be looking back at the previous year of trading and formulating a plan that will enable you to grow and...

Dear Traders,Today the market continued its sell-off as investors desperately search for a return. In a recessionary environment, the market has no reason to go up, but it has a good volatile path of choppiness. I hope the market stays like this: choppy but extremely volatile. Economist had a nice cover talking about how investors are stuck in finding a return. Today was an amazing day-thanks to Brian for helping me find META and short TESLA! Watch our recap here. Also in today's...

Dear Traders,Market volatility continues within the Chinese sector and, of course, as usual, with Tesla Inc. Finally, the Communist Party decided to ease their zero-COVID policy, a policy that was obviously failing. I called this last year. I’m not sure why the party did not get it. BABA has gapped up beautifully. Today, in the community, we had some very good trading on BABA and TSLA. The breakouts were clean with a bullish Level 2...

Dear Traders,Today, Chinese-based stocks were gapping up, and I had one of my best trading days in 2022 on XPEV, as the Chinese electric vehicle maker soared. The recap is full of educational material, with a focus on trading based on Nasdaq Level 2 signals. I hope you enjoy it, even though the quality is a bit low as I am traveling and using my traveling laptop. Here’s a link to today’s recap. Elon Doesn't Want...

Dear Traders, The market dropped significantly yesterday as St. Louis Fed President James Bullard — one of the central bank’s most hawkish officials — said he thinks “markets are underpricing a little bit the risk that the FOMC will have to be more aggressive rather than less aggressive in order to contain the very substantial inflation that we have in the US.” Essentially, he is telling investors to not get their hopes up! I had some good...

Dear Traders,Andrew from Dubai says hi, and wishes you a great Cyber Monday! I am in Dubai, where we had a big meetup on Saturday. I met many of our exceptional traders and was impressed with their stories! The market was in turmoil this morning as news of people protesting against more restrictions in Shanghai and other large Chinese cities worried investors. Chaos in China The Communist Party needs to rethink their zero-Covid policy. It has been...

Dear Traders, These days, the only things that are on the minds of people in the financial sector are the crypto crisis and the collapse of FTX. The amount of carelessness and lack of oversight is just unbelievable, especially for the United States. Former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, aka SBF, published a series of weird tweets that combined apologies for his failings with his perspective on what went wrong at the companies he founded and ran. “We...

Dear Traders,I hate to say this, but overall, I think serious investors are happy that FTX has collapsed and that the crypto market has gone into a big winter. Almost by definition, something has to break or be broken in order for the Fed to actually pivot and start easing down their monetary policy. In this current business cycle and tightening, not everybody can or should come through alive. By definition, someone is “not gonna...