Dear Traders,I am super excited because the number of reviews on Amazon of my book, How to Day Trade for a Living, are now at almost 12,000! I would like to thank everyone who took the time to review my book! I’d love a few more honest reviews of the book in order to hit – and surpass – this amazing number. Any honest review is greatly appreciated and it sincerely does mean a lot...

Dear Traders,I have now successfully completed the legendary Marathon des Sables race in the Sahara Desert in Morocco. I finished in the top 20% of the world’s elite runners who were participating. I can report that I am happy. It’s been an incredible experience. Thank you for all of your heartwarming messages and emails. Today, I am in the city of Marrakesh, in western Morocco, and I was able to trade with Jarad at the Open....

Dear Traders,I’ll begin with a quick update on Andrew’s progress in the Marathon des Sables in Morocco. Yesterday, Andrew completed the longest of the six segments in the race. He began at 8:20am local time and finished the 84.8-km (52.7-mile) leg at 11:26pm. I can't even imagine how exhausted he is today, but at the same time I'm sure he's overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of only having two days of running left –...

Dear Traders,Norm here for Andrew, as our fearless and possibly crazy leader is in Morocco participating in the Marathon des Sables, a six day 251km (156 mile) ultramarathon through the Sahara Desert. It is often referred to as the toughest foot race on earth. While I don't know why anybody would want to put themselves through this torture, I have the utmost confidence that if anybody can finish this race, it is Andrew. I've been...

Dear Traders,I'm writing this email to you as I fly from Paris to Morocco to participate in what is possibly the hardest run of my life. Unfortunately, I'll be away from trading for a few days, but I know that the strong BBT mod team will do a great job in the chatroom in my absence. Thor and Jarad traded the Open today in the chatroom. Although Brian is also traveling (in Egypt), he was able...

Dear Traders,I'm writing this to you from the airport, beginning my journey to Morocco to run in one of the hardest races I've ever been a part of. The Marathon des Sables (, or MdS, is a six day, 251km (156 mile) ultramarathon, approximately the distance of six regular marathons. This race is held every year in the Sahara Desert region of southern Morocco. It is regarded as the toughest foot race on earth. Wish...

Dear Traders,The market is ripping higher as I am writing these words. Chinese stocks had an amazing run, and we traded them very successfully in the chatroom, including JD, BABA, and NIO. You can watch the recap that Brian and I posted here.Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stated on Monday that, if necessary, they are prepared to raise interest rates by 50 basis points at their next meeting in May. His comments sparked a flurry...

Dear Traders,I hope everyone is having a good day. In the northern hemisphere, we are enjoying the first full day of spring. In the country my family and I are from, as well as in many Asian countries, the first day of spring is celebrated as the new year, or Nowruz. Happy Nowruz!The market experienced a very strong few days last week, as the Federal Reserve announced an optimistic forecast in terms of both inflation...

Dear Traders,Happy Friday! John and I posted our first ever recap together. I traded the Chinese stocks BABA and NIO, and John traded MRNA and RIVN. You can watch our recap here.The interesting part about our recap is that I could have almost perfectly guessed how John traded without seeing his trades because we have been friends for a number of years and I know his trading style. John’s TradeBook is being taught in our...

Dear Traders, Happy Fed meeting and interest rate hike day! The market has moved quite high as I am writing this newsletter, and many of us executed some very nice trades on BABA. You can watch the recap that Brian and I posted here. You may be wondering this morning: Why are Chinese stocks ripping after their meltdown? The Chinese government vowed to implement policies to support their financial markets and boost economic growth in order to...