Dear Traders, I have now concluded the Extreme option of the Santo Antão Triangle Trail Race in Cape Verde, a collection of volcanic islands off the coast of northwest Africa. The race itself was just under 70 miles (110 km) in length with an elevation gain of some 22,000 feet (6,706 m), and I finished last! Yes, last, but at least I did finish! This was one of the harshest runs I have ever competed in!...

Dear Traders, I am writing this newsletter from Cape Verde, a beautiful island in the central Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. As you will recall from my last newsletter, I am participating in a 110 km (68 mile) trail running race. It is literally stunning here, and also very hot, which is a nice change from rainy and mild Vancouver. Do not ask me how I ended up here (!), but I am so...

Dear Traders, I am writing today’s newsletter on the plane as I am heading to Africa for one of the longest trail runnings I have ever done! I promise that if I survive this 110km (68 mile) run, I will include pictures in my next email. Before leaving, I spent an exceptional morning trading with Peter, where I traded Apple for a 1-minute Opening Range Breakup. Make sure to check out the recap that Peter and...

Dear Traders, Happy December! It is hard to believe but there is only 1 month left until 2022. The market has certainly been volatile this year and today we saw a gap up of over 1.5% for all indexes. This is almost exclusively due to the world digesting the impact of the new COVID-19 variant. Brian is attending a wedding this weekend in Mexico, and so I had the honor of trading with Jarad in the morning...

Dear Traders, Happy Cyber Monday! I will start this newsletter with a few important reminders. Firstly, one of Ardi’s books is now available for free on Amazon. If you would like to have a copy, please check it out here. Both Ardi and I would be very grateful if, after reading it, you would take the time to post your honest review of the book on Amazon. It helps a lot, and means the world to...

Dear Traders, I am back in the Vancouver office after traveling to a few different cities and continents including Toronto, NYC, DC, Doha, Kilimanjaro, and Istanbul. I will be trading from the office until our big meetup in Vancouver + art EDM music event, the latter being put on by some of my friends in the underground music scene. Join us for drinks and appetizers at the Vancouver office, followed by an evening of exceptional music...

Dear Traders, Hello again from Istanbul, Turkey. I am looking forward to coming back home to Vancouver next week and to finalize the preparations for hosting all of you in two weeks! I made some really good trades today, and in particular with LCID and MRNA. I also did not repeat yesterday's mistake and was able to actually keep my profit this time! You can watch the recap Brian and I posted HERE. BBT members have had...

Dear Traders, Hello from Istanbul, Turkey. I am here in this beautiful and ancient city visiting some family members and (of course!) traders. I will be back in our Vancouver office next week, but for now, enjoy a picture of me sitting below Kilimanjaro summit trying to catch a short on Lucid! Thanks to the volatility in the EV sector, this morning was a great day to be trading. As you know, electric vehicle mania has returned...

Dear Traders, I am writing you from my base camp at Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It was absolutely beautiful to observe the sun rising (at 6am local time) from "the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world". It truly is an incredible experience being here on Mount Kilimanjaro! It deserves a place on your bucket list. As for the markets and our trading community, this week has begun with a drop in...

Dear Traders, Thank you for reading another email from me, two days in a row. First and foremost, I want to acknowledge Veterans Day and pay tribute to those who have honorably spent their lives in service to their country. I especially want to mention my good friends and colleagues, John and Mike. Thank you for what you have done to make our world a better place. I am in Tanzania, near the base of the majestic...