Dear Traders, I hope everyone had a good and relaxing weekend. We had an amazing day in the chatroom trading $AMC and $JD. Donā€™t forget to watch my recap and, if you have not already, please take a moment and subscribe to our channel so that we can grow it to over 100,000 subscribers and thus be eligible for verification by YouTube. As for the market, it is slowly grinding up toward an all-time high. The Russell...

I am back from Peru and we all traded AMC this morning, which had an excellent ABCD pattern from $44 to almost $47. My recap can be seen here. As you know, I was climbing in the Cardellia Blanca range, but I also managed to have a small meetup in the city of Cusco. After 1 week of high altitude climbing and no internet, I am finally back home in Vancouver. Since I am fully vaccinated,...

Dear BBT Family, Norm here, providing this weekā€™s update on Bear Bull Traders. Our usual weekly report comes from Andrew of course, but he is currently climbing in the beautiful mountains of Peru. Over the weekend, we saw the first flight into space of a billionaire, or did we? Sir Richard Branson was among the crew of Virgin Galacticā€™s ($SPCE) VSS Unity spaceplane. The six people on board reached an altitude of just over 86 kilometers, or...

First and foremost, I would like to wish a belated happy birthday to the United States and to all of my American friends. The United States is the leader of the free world, and it has proudly stood for good everywhere, with its values of human rights, freedom, and more always at the forefront. With its economic and military superiority, Americans can be counted on to take the lead in virtually every major global crisis, from...

Dear Traders, My apologies for missing the newsletter this week. Because of that, I wasnā€™t able to announce Kyle Kimseyā€™s and Dr. Jonathan Katzā€™ two webinars. Kyle offered a very important webinar about how to protect the safety and security of your trading accounts and crypto wallets. This is an issue that is extremely important these days. Iā€™m only 37, with a PhD, and yet even I sometimes think that Iā€™m falling behind the fast pace...

Today at Peak Capital Tradingā€™s mentorship session with our traders, we discussed overtrading and how to stop it. I found it interesting the way the discussion unfolded, and so I decided to share some thoughts arising from our conversation with you Bear Bull Traders as well. Sometimes we joke (like the image above - not my trading) that it is not overtrading if you make money, it is overtrading only if you lose money. Believe it...

This week has started off on a positive note with some amazing trading on AMC.Ā  Letā€™s hope these results continue all week long. I am happy to report to you that I will be hitting the road again soon and we have two very nice meetups in the works. Thor will be spending his 40th birthday in NYC on July 3rd, and we will be hosting a ā€œsuper bigā€ meetup to help celebrate our friendā€™s birthday....

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency experienced a massacre over the weekend, with Bitcoin dropping over 50% from their all-time high of $64,000. The world of crypto is scary these days. Unregulated exchanges give novice traders virtually insane leverages such as 1:500. These exchanges thrive on expensive commissions and encourage inexperienced traders to over trade. Part of the sell off over the weekend can be attributed to these highly leveraged traders who do not know how to manage...

Last week, Elon Musk announced that he will no longer accept Bitcoin for Tesla purchases, allegedly due to the ā€œā€¦ rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions ā€¦ā€ Much of this mining takes place in China, but in all honesty, these environmental issues have been known for quite some time. Muskā€™s big gamble on Dogecoin and his failure to mobilize its move toward $1 has led to significant criticism. At a...

Dear Traders, Mike Baehr and I are delighted to let you know that we have just published our next work together: Introduction to Trading Psychology: A Practical Guide to Improve Your Trading Psychology. This book is very different from our previous publication, Mastering Trading Psychology, as in this book, Mike describes the foundation of building a successful career in trading based on the three essential pillars of technology, strategy, and psychology. While technology and strategy may seem...