Dear Traders, I've been offline for the past few days, and it feels great to have internet access again and catch up on what's happening in the world, especially witnessing the new highs in the market! Today, I want to share my experience of moving from Low Camp to High Camp of Mount Vinson. After our stop and rest in the Low Camp, when conditions were suitable and the forecast showed stable weather, our team left the...

Dear Traders, Antarctica is a massive, untouched continent that has posed challenges for explorers and captivated the dreams of people over the centuries. It's a place of beauty and mystery, covered with ice that extends for miles. The last few days here have been breathtaking. I went from Union Glacier to the low camp. In the low camp, it's shady until late morning, so it's common for people to stay in bed until the sun reaches the tents....

Dear Traders, I've finally made it to Antarctica! We boarded around 8 am and left Chile at 9 am. Four hours later, we landed on ice, not another typical runway. Because of this, only one airline and very experienced pilots can fly here. Although I'm not a pilot, I can imagine it would be an amazing route to fly! Surprisingly, we do have internet at Union Glacier Camp. It's fascinating how Elon Musk and his Starlink company...

Dear Traders, Today, I hit the jackpot with my flight cancellation. I was supposed to fly to Antarctica, but due to bad weather conditions, the flight was cancelled. This turned out to be great news for me because I used that time to trade and also went to see the Penguins! A very interesting fact about penguins that I just learned today is that they have a unique way of proposing to their mates. Male Adélie penguins,...

Dear Traders, Happy New Year! This is my first newsletter in 2024, and I wish everyone a great start to the year! Currently, I'm in Punta Arenas, a small town in the southern part of Chile in Patagonia, getting ready for my departure to Antarctica. I'll be flying out to Union Glacier Camp on January 10 and will be offline for about 2 weeks climbing Vinson Massif, the highest peak in Antarctica, standing at 16,000 ft. Fun fact:...

Dear Traders, Just as 2022 was a challenging year, 2023 turned out to be a great one. Despite a strong rebound in stocks and bonds, it remained a tough environment for many investors and traders. If you had a great year, take time to celebrate your success. And if it wasn't your year, remember that no one gets it right all the time – even those who claim they do. Everyone's journey in the markets is...

Dear Traders, Today was another light-volume session, as most traders and investors monitor their portfolios from anywhere but their desks. Under the surface, certain stocks continue making moves, and crypto keeps partying. Today I also had another big loss, wiping out some weeks of profit, unfortunately. As some of you may have read in my previous newsletter, we tragically lost a dear friend and valued community member, Bryan W. We are putting together a notebook filled with...

Dear Traders, This is incredible! Last week on Friday, the S&P 500 ETF, $SPY, saw its biggest single-day capital inflow on record, at $20.8 billion. Dating back to the ETF's inception in 1993, this has never been seen. Total inflows last week alone hit $24 billion, also posting a new record. On Monday, $SPY saw ANOTHER $10 billion of inflows, putting the total at nearly $35 billion since last Monday. Everyone was sure the Santa Claus Rally was really happening. But...

Dear Traders, Yesterday, I found myself in a Vancouver emergency room due to complications from my post-surgery recovery. While I patiently waited to see a doctor during a long 6-hour wait, I had the opportunity to finish an intriguing book titled "The Everything Bubble: The Endgame for Central Bank Policy" by Graham Summers. Despite the extended wait time, the book was quite interesting and full of insights. The book delves into the creation of the Federal Reserve,...

Dear Traders, Yesterday, the US Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, left rates steady, and Chairman Jerome Powell held a press conference. The Fed has shifted its stance from considering more interest rate hikes to discussing when rate cuts might begin. Powell stated that rates have likely reached their peak and a smooth economic landing is expected. This marks the first time since the Fed began raising rates that Chair Powell is aligning with the market's expectations. However, core...