Pressure affects the nature and quality of your thinking in specific ways. From the dreaded “paralysis by analysis” to impulsive decision making, pressure can make you deviate very far from your trading plan. In tonight’s webinar, CrĂ©de will explore how pressure impacts your thinking, and how you can use practical techniques to harness the power of your cognition and access the right thinking at the right time for peak performance. ...

John has been trading the Break of High of Day Strategy almost exclusively since early 2020. In that time, he has executed over 3,000 trades with this unique Breakout Strategy. For tonight’s webinar, he will discuss how to handle the strategy’s high momentum setup as well as the entry / execution criteria necessary to create high probability success conditions. ...

Are you frustrated that you see other traders making money trading a strategy but you just cannot seem to duplicate the results with the same strategy? Here is the cold hard truth: just because a strategy works for one person, does not mean it will work for you. Tonight, Mike will show you a process you can easily use to identify which strategy (out of the hundreds that are available) is best suited for you...

In this webinar we will be exploring the nature of your self-limiting beliefs about money - the ones that hold you back from becoming the trader you could be. Your beliefs about money are revealed by the health of your trading account because you are trading your beliefs – and your trading account does not lie. It tells you the truth about what you must master to become the trader you could be. Come and...

Trader Psychology tip-toes around the powerful connection between the flaws in the mind that manage uncertainty and the instinctual gambling instinct that drives financial performance. BEFORE the sanitized version of trading flaws found in Trader Psychology is something much deeper in your evolutionary psychology - your gambling survival instincts that are killing your trading. And this is ignored at the trader's peril. ...

Scalping is one of the most profitable trading strategies used by elite professional intraday traders. Scalping requires a quick and skilled eye, as well as a deep understanding of market dynamics, as you must make decisions in real time based on the buying or selling pressure. The edge of gaining insight into the flow of supply and demand and making trades based on short-term price movements come from mastering the art of reading the tape....

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Mindset plays a very significant role in successful trading. However, a negative mindset can actually take several forms. Indeed, there are many sneaky thinking styles that you may not even class as being negative until you understand how that thinking impacts your actions in the markets. This webinar will unearth some of the most common mind traps that result in losing trades...