While becoming a successful trader is a long journey complete with many triumphs, your learning curve will also undoubtedly include many setbacks. Oftentimes, it is difficult to tell if you are making forward progress and you may begin to question if you are on the correct path. Your trading may only require a minor course correction; it may though require a more drastic change. In this webinar, we will examine how to assess your performance...

Everyone is looking for the secret to success in trading. Two of the key components of being a successful trader is having a well-developed TradeBook and being in control of your emotions. How though do these two components interact with one another? Join Mike for a discussion on how having a solid TradeBook will help with handling your emotions. ...

Success in trading can be summed up in a simple formula: develop a technical edge and the psychological stability to consistently apply it while managing risk. Sounds simple, but the process isn’t easy. Specifically, the more performance pressure you feel, the more vulnerable you will become to emotion-driven ideas and behaviors. But pressure, per se, isn’t your enemy. Tennis legend Billie Jean King famously said: “Pressure is a privilege.” In fact, good pressure activates the...

As you approach a new year, it is important that you take some time to either develop an education plan for the upcoming year or refine your existing one. Join Carlos as he dives into the various components of an education plan and then explains exactly how you can go about developing an effective education plan that will help you to achieve your trading goals for 2023. ...

Have you suddenly hit a trading slump? Have you noticed you’re taking on more risk than usual or breaking your own rules? There’s one underlying issue that holds even the best traders back from making the returns they’re capable of making. What is it? It is the invisible pull to fill some underlying human need through your trading. In this interactive talk, Kim Ann Curtin will walk you through The Universal Needs every trader has...

How many times have you taken a rough loss because you were consumed by a fear of losing? Learn about the origins of your dislike of losing so that you can interrupt its destructive cost to your trading. And learn about coming to a new understanding about both winning and losing that can set your trading free – so that your fear of losing no longer sabotages your trading potential. Come find out how. ...

How do you manage risk? How do you manage yourself? How do you know when your system is working? Many of these questions go unanswered in your traditional trading systems. In this course Thor will discuss them all in “The How” ...

In this webinar, Peter will discuss how he has set up his trading station at home and also how he goes about trading while traveling. In addition, he will share what he monitors on each of his screens, how he narrows down his Stocks in Play, and what he looks for in a setup. Peter will then walk you through his mental and thought process before, during, and after taking a trade. ...

In this webinar, Peter will discuss the importance of creating and maintaining a trading journal in order to improve your trading performance. Many traders wonder why they struggle to improve, and one of the simplest answers is that they fail to track their progress. Join Peter as he discusses various methods of journaling. ...

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right.” Mindset plays a very significant role in successful trading. However, a “negative mindset” can actually take several forms. Indeed, there are many sneaky thinking styles that you may not even class as being negative until you understand how that thinking impacts your actions in the markets. This webinar will unearth some of the most common mind traps that result in losing trades as...