In the previous session, the discussion centered on breaking down how volume affects candle formation. Tonight, with market making in mind, Thor will focus on value and how volume establishes value areas over time. ...

Why do you keep losing emotional control and crashing your potential even when you try really hard? It seems so do-able – all you have to do is keep your act together and success is yours, right? But you can’t. The truth is that you are asking your brain to do something that is its worst nightmare. And it rebels by emotionally hijacking you. This is the problem you have to solve. How do you...

Trend trading is definitely one of the most exciting types of trading out there. The initial stop losses are small, the trade itself unfolds at a slow pace, and the potential reward with just a few adds to your position can be great. However, finding a stock that might be a solid runner is the difficult part. In this webinar, Aiman will explain how to find possible runners for the day as well as how...

Both mystery and legend surround the cyclical nature of US stock markets. In this webinar, Jarad and Peter will walk you through the various cycles that US stock markets typically follow. From daily cycles through to annual cycles, they will show you the major trends and discuss the unique events that you can keep an eye out for in your own trading. ...

In this webinar, Kyle will conduct an extensive review of DAS Trader Pro, ranging from its basic setup to more complex and advanced programming matters, including new update features. Make sure you bring your questions as ample time will be set aside for the specific platform issues that you and other members are struggling with. ...

Pressure affects the nature and quality of your thinking in specific ways. From the dreaded “paralysis by analysis” to impulsive decision-making, pressure can make you deviate very far from your trading plan. This webinar explores how pressure impacts your thinking, and how you can use practical techniques to harness the power of your cognition and access the right thinking at the right time for peak performance. ...

JoiMy favorite indicator is the humble trendline, which I always draw slanting up or down at an angle. It is the most affordable no-lag indicator I know. I use it mostly for trend-following, but it can be used for timing reversals, too. In this webinar, I will show you a few trendline tricks and discuss the psychology behind why this works, and why they might work for you. ...

Join Ardi in the Webinar Room as he breaks down the concept of implied volatility and explains 4 key strategies that will equip you to make effective trades regardless of the volatility regime you find yourself trading in. Condors, Short Strangles, Diagonal Spreads, and more will be up for discussion in this segment of our series on options trading. ...