Mindset plays a very significant role in successful trading. Indeed, there are many sneaky thinking styles that you may not even class as being negative until you understand how that thinking impacts your actions in the markets. This webinar will unearth some of the most common mind traps that result in losing trades as well as provide practical tips for cultivating a mindset that will support you in becoming more consistently profitable....

Do I move my stop to break-even after taking a partial? This is a common question that many traders ask themselves, regardless of where they are on the learning curve of trading. During this webinar, Mike will discuss 4 different methodologies that you can use to both confidently answer this question and to successfully manage your trades from entry to exit....

In this webinar, Kyle will conduct an extensive review of DAS Trader Pro, ranging from its basic setup to more complex and advanced programming matters, including new update features. Make sure you bring your questions as ample time will be set aside for the specific platform issues that members are struggling with....

We can spend all day at our screens and not be aware of the passage of time. I suspect active traders move in and out of mild trance states multiple times per hour. In this webinar, we will look at the consequences of that alternation and what we can do to stay in our right mind longer....

In the second workshop of this two-part series, Créde will talk to our volunteer traders to assess the impact that the mental edge strategy has had on their trading performance. We will discuss traders’ experiences with implementing the technique and forensically evaluate what aspects of their trading have improved and what still needs some work. Créde will also summarize the step-by-step process that is necessary to address this specific trading pain point. If you are...

One of the most common strategies that tempts traders is Breakouts. However, trading Breakouts is not as easy as it might sound. For example, one cannot take a 1-minute ORBU (Opening Range Breakout Up) only because a candle is making a new 1-minute high. The same is true for other time frames. In this webinar, Aiman will explain how he trades Breakouts using the larger time frames in order to achieve a better edge, a...

Journaling your trades is a critical component to your long-term trading success. Every serious trader who wants to survive and thrive in this business should be journaling. In this webinar, Ed will take you through his best practices of journaling and show you how to streamline the process, so you can become a more consistent and profitable trader....