We have all experienced rumination, critical judgement, and unkind comments in our self-talk. Unfortunately, there is no off-switch for this mental chatter. Fortunately, mindfulness can help us become aware of our inner dialogues and the weight we give them. This awareness opens up a space to choose to believe and engage with our inner talk or simply let it go. With regular mindfulness meditation practice, we train our minds to be more present with what...

Time to be honest with yourself. If your equity curve is not sloping upward, then you probably do not have a strategy that is meeting your trading goals. So, with multitude of strategies out there, how do you find one that works for you? In this webinar, Mike will discuss a process that helped him identify a strategy that fit his trading style....

There are two primary forces operating in the market: mean reversion and trend. Both operate simultaneously, but it helps to know which of these factors is dominant. Moreover, traders tend to have a personal mindset bias for one or the other behavior, meaning we tend to imagine/expect breakouts or reversals. In this webinar we will look at various ways to technically define each of these factors and the mindset required to take advantage of them....

Andrew Aziz is mostly a momentum trader, and his main TradeBook is opening range breakouts. In this webinar, he is going through how he is finding A+ trade setups for 5-min ORB down or up, and will be going through his decision making process in finding the right stocks in play, trade identification, trade election, and trade management. Do not miss this important webinar. ...

Trend trading is definitely one of the most exciting types of trading out there. The initial stop losses are small, the trade itself unfolds at a slow pace, and the potential reward with just a few adds to your position can be great. However, finding a stock that might be a solid runner is the difficult part. In this webinar, Aiman will explain how to find possible runners for the day as well as how...

Most traders agree that trading psychology is a critical aspect of performance; in this presentation Dr Andrew Menaker will discuss why some trading psychology techniques work better than others. The key to benefiting from trading psychology is knowing and utilizing the specific techniques that resonate the most for you at a given point in your trading journey. Dr Menaker will provide specific examples of what works and what doesn't work in his...

Journaling is one of the most important aspects of your trading career. But what should you track? Which metrics will really help you grow and which are a waste of time? In this webinar Kyle will discuss some important metrics to keep as well as what insights you can get from reviewing that data. Let your past trades guide you as you grow your trading experience....

In part 2 of this multi-part webinar, Kyle will be reviewing additional advanced Hotkeys (for DAS) which have been proven to be very beneficial in assisting a trader with their risk management. But there’s more to this webinar than just that. In all honesty, the advanced Hotkeys being discussed this evening can only really be referred to as “exotic” Hotkeys, some of which have never before been released. These include Hotkeys for break HOD/LOD, multiple...