Regret, frustration, anger, joy, and optimism are just some of the emotions you as a trader will experience. How you handle these emotions while trading will no doubt determine whether you are satisfied at the end of the trading day or whether you walk away with a thought similar to “If I only had …” In this webinar, Mike will discuss some of the more common emotions traders experience and he’ll show you effective ways...

We talk all the time about the Mountian Pass. This webinar will go over the strategy in detail and show you how you can also trade it. We'll also go over some 'live' examples to show you how it sets up and how to execute....

In this webinar we will focus on a type of 1 minute bar that I call the Mis-Direction Bar. Like a Las Vegas magician, at crucial moments it gets us looking in the wrong direction. And if we take action based on the pseudo-information from that bar… we experience an immediate stop out. We will also discuss the Mindset that makes us vulnerable to this type of market action and how to immunize ourselves so...

An Introduction into some of the main themes and topcis discussed in Engineering the Markets.We'll dive into how to look at a diversified market and understand how best to take advantage of changing tides in the undercurrent. Correlations, Sectors, and Cycles allows us to better define what we see at the surface. As traders, we'll utilize Technical Analysis to ride the waves and know when the ride is over....

In this webinar, Andrew will discuss how he has set up his trading station at home and also how he goes about trading while traveling. In addition, he will share what he is monitoring on each screen that he has, how he narrows down his Stocks in Play, and what he looks for in a setup. Andrew will then walk you through his mental and thought process before, during, and after taking a trade, and...

In this webinar, Andrew will discuss how he has set up his trading station at home and also how he goes about trading while traveling. In addition, he will share what he is monitoring on each screen that he has, how he narrows down his Stocks in Play, and what he looks for in a setup. Andrew will then walk you through his mental and thought process before, during, and after taking a trade, and...

During this townhall Mike and Dr. Katz will invite two traders from the community to share their trading psychological issue and why they believe it holds them back. Join us to watch and listen to how Dr. Katz assists the traders in identifying the root cause behind the issue and steps to begin addressing it....

In this webinar, Neda will talk about bringing mindfulness to our emotional experiences. As soon as we recognize we're getting overwhelmed by our emotions, we have the choice to create a space to experience them without judgement, resentment, or attachment. While waiting for the storm to pass we could bring a quality of nourishing self-compassion to our present moment....

Our brain is a pattern recognition engine and as traders we work hard to find the hidden order in randomness. But often the harder we work, the less we have to show for it. One reason is that random rewards and punishments are quite stressful to the mammalian brain. Our initial response is usually to do more: analyze more, predict more, trade more. But this is Monkey Mind. In this webinar we will explore...