Focusing on relative strength. At trade-ideas we took a look at the top indicators and chart setups that hedge funds and traders commonly look at. We then assigned values to each of these indicators and chart steps weighted by using statistical analysis with each one. Using the massive server tech that trade-ideas has on the backend we are able to evaluate every stock in the market using these weights and then sort them based on...

Ever wonder how some traders can get an entry at the exact high of the day or at the exact dip? In this webinar, Aiman will explain different types of parabolic reversals and the criteria you need to follow in order to get a great entry, with the highest win rate possible, while aiming for the biggest potential reward!...

In this webinar, Neda will talk about re-evaluating our judgments and stories about who we are. By bringing mindfulness to the stories our minds tell about us, we could let go of any judgment without believing them. We can then choose to step out of the battle to win self-esteem, and instead focus our energy on taking action in a valued direction....

Losing is an inherent part of the trading and can be difficult to handle for many traders. Mike will discuss the methods of how to quickly identify your trading problem and do a hard reset to get back on track. Lastly, a losing streak can impact your mindset, Mike will explain approaches to regain your emotional capital and improve your mental resilience....

Poker players know that when you sit down at a table with strangers, if you don’t know who the source of funds is in the first 5 minutes… it’s probably you. Trading is like that. If you haven’t seen someone else get stopped out of a trade you could have just taken, then you are probably next. In this webinar we will explore the mindset and the technical factors that can help us avoid at...

During this townhall Mike and Dr. Katz will invite two traders from the community to share their trading psychological issue and why they believe it holds them back. Join us to watch and listen to how Dr. Katz assists the traders in identifying the root cause behind the issue and steps to begin addressing it....

Every morning you sit in front of your screens trying to select the very, very best Stocks in Play. You’re looking for the winners. As part of your prep work, you sift through the news. What’s happening out there that will result in volatile price moves? Are there earnings reports, earnings surprises, FDA approvals/disapprovals, mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, a product release? It’s like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. There lots of news, and...

One debate in trading has raged for years: is it better to become a specialist is a single ticker or play the whole market. In this webinar, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on a single stock when day trading. We'll explain techniques you can use to take advantage of a single stock focus and we’ll also share how you can avoid some of the biggest pitfalls lurking out there....

When should I enter into a trade? How much should I partial? When should I let my winner run and when should I exit all for a small profit? These questions - and more - are the types of questions we ask ourselves every single time we are in a trade. Properly managing a trade is one of the most difficult aspects of trading you will face. In this webinar, Aiman will share his rules for...