Get To Know Your Fellow Bear Bull Traders Members: Interview with DanielMoodi
1. Chat Name
- DanielMoodi
2. City/State/Country
- Rancho Mission Viejo ca and I originally from Iran
3. How Long have you been trading?
- Started trading Dec 1 2017
4. When and why did you join Bear Bull Traders?
- March 2018 after reading Andrews’s book
5. Recommended Trading Books/Websites/Videos
- Andrew’s Book and Brian’s Book
And watch lots of live trading on YouTube ,Love the recap of William and Robert and other member of BBT
6. Top 3 favorite trading setups
- Double Bottom set up
- Robert H Great Reversal
7. Best advice you were ever given and can pass on?
- Best advice is to honor your stop loss never wish it hope the price will come back to you, accept loss gracefully!!
8. Most Interesting Day Trading Story?
One thing I learned from my trading that can be useful for others in 2018 I was in trade that could get out with 5$ loss but I was hoping that I can break even so I waited 5 $ turn to 100$ now it was really hard to exit I was hoping and had self talk that don’t worry price will come back to you and next thing I know my loss was 1000$ again I ignored to cut the loss and still hoping and to make the long story short I lost $2,000. It was the most painful and best lesson in trading and in my life
9. Anything else you would like to share?
Go live as soon as you’ve finish simulation but start with small shares like 10 shares 20 shares and try to access your emotion and techniques at the same time .Don’t focus on P&l cause if you can be profitable with 10-30 shares you could do same with 2000 shares as well .