In this webinar, Thor is taking a step back to cover the fundamentals. Thor will guide you through a series of sessions, starting with the very basics of VPA (Volume Price Analysis). He will carefully demystify candlestick formation, dissect order flow dynamics, and delve into the intricacies of volume analysis. Armed with this knowledge, you will be well-equipped to decipher the intricate dance between market makers and participants, gaining insights into the delicate balance of...

Dear Traders, On this special day, my 40th birthday, I want to share a personal and private life journey with all of you. Take a look at the picture below: On the left, you see me at the age of 25—overweight, no father, an international student, broke, with no family wealth, and struggling. Life dealt me some tough blows, but I refused to stay down. On the right, it's me at age 40—standing atop Mount Everest, running 3...

Dear Traders, Today's market was nothing short of crazy. I had the opportunity to trade one of my all-time favorite strategies, the 5-minute Engulfing Crack. We have a comprehensive explanation of this pattern in our Education Center. Although it doesn't occur frequently, when it does, it tends to be a potent trading opportunity. I typically take an aggressive approach when such a setup presents itself. Here you can watch my recap session with Jarad, where I break...

In this insightful one-hour presentation, we will delve deep into the intricate relationship between interest rates, bond prices, and stock prices, and how astute macro-based trading strategies can leverage this knowledge for profitable outcomes. We will explore the fundamentals of how changes in interest rates ripple through financial markets, impacting the pricing dynamics of both bonds and stocks. Through a combination of theory and real-world examples, we will equip you with the tools and insights...

Day trading using one single time frame can be possible, and that is what scalpers are usually doing; however, to become a successful scalper, one needs years of experience reading the price action. Seasoned traders recommend starting a trade by using multiple time frames to build the big picture before shifting to smaller time frames to secure the smartest entry. During this webinar, Aiman will walk you through the importance of using multiple time frames...

Join us for an exclusive webinar led by Andrew, a seasoned trading expert with a proven track record of success. Are you ready to take your trading skills to the next level? In this webinar, Andrew will guide you through the intricate world of Intraday Options Strategies, equipping you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the fast-paced world of options trading with confidence. ...

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Mindset plays a very significant role in successful trading. However, a ‘negative mindset’ can actually take several forms. Indeed, there are many sneaky thinking styles that you may not even class as being negative until you understand how that thinking impacts your actions in the markets. This webinar will unearth some of the most common mind traps that result in losing trades...

Dear Traders, As you know, the market is not straightforward on some days, and today was one of those days. Today, I traded $TQQQ and $TSLA. While I was in the red with the Qs, I managed to come out with a $2,000 profit at the end of the day. In my recap, you can see that I had to exit my $TSLA trade two times to control my risk. It wasn't until the third trade that...

Every aspiring trader has the same goal: Consistent Profitability. Along with that is the assumption that Confidence will follow. That mastery is the state of mind where we naturally feel confident in our trades. That would be normal in any successful business. Except for trading. Trading is more like a professional sport, like tennis or MMA, where dominance is temporary and everyone is out to get you. If you’re measuring your progress based on your...

Join Jarad for a discussion on how to initiate, manage, and mitigate options positions. In this Webinar, Jarad will cover how professional option traders use techniques to ensure no single trade idea makes or breaks their journey. Whether we're rolling trades in time and/or in price, adding credit to manage our debit exposure, or simply refining the spread to cap off any undefined risk, Option Traders have a unique set of tools at their disposal no matter the...