In this module, you will attack the inevitable feeling of doubt during a drawdown, and how the attribute of mental resilience plays a vital role in recovering your emotional capital. Learn how the hidden emotional account in your trading business, may in fact be dwindling down the profits you see in your trading account. Explore what defenses, safe guards, and seeds of positivity you can employ to navigate through the danger areas that cause depletion...

This week’s webinar will provide you with a comprehensive look at how to read Level 2, including breaking down many of the misconceptions that have formed regarding how best to actually go about doing that. Market makers get paid quite a lot for their transactions. By properly making use of L2, you can better predict where they are going to go, and in return profit yourself....

Today at Peak Capital Trading’s mentorship session with our traders, we discussed overtrading and how to stop it. I found it interesting the way the discussion unfolded, and so I decided to share some thoughts arising from our conversation with you Bear Bull Traders as well. Sometimes we joke (like the image above - not my trading) that it is not overtrading if you make money, it is overtrading only if you lose money. Believe it...

Regardless of where you are at on the learning curve, when trading, every single one of us is continually experiencing teaching moments. At times, you will be (happily) taught a lesson from a successful trade but, at other times, the lesson will be learned the hard way through a series of bad trades. No matter how long you have been trading, you will always be learning something new. In this webinar, Aiman will discuss a...

This week has started off on a positive note with some amazing trading on AMC.  Let’s hope these results continue all week long. I am happy to report to you that I will be hitting the road again soon and we have two very nice meetups in the works. Thor will be spending his 40th birthday in NYC on July 3rd, and we will be hosting a “super big” meetup to help celebrate our friend’s birthday....

During this townhall Dr. Katz will interview a moderator from Bear Bull Traders to discuss their trading journey. Join us to learn about one of the moderators from the Bear Bull Traders Team....

In this webinar, Neda will talk about our hidden beliefs and fears about money (imagine the submerged part of an iceberg). By bringing more mindfulness to our life, we can start to establish a healthy and uncharged relationship with money, practice equanimity in our interaction with money and even throw in some Sympathetic Joy for other people's financial success!...

Regret, frustration, anger, joy, and optimism are just some of the emotions you as a trader will experience. How you handle these emotions while trading will no doubt determine whether you are satisfied at the end of the trading day or whether you walk away with a thought similar to “If I only had …” In this webinar, Mike will discuss some of the more common emotions traders experience and he’ll show you effective ways...