Have you ever wondered how volatility factors into Options Trading? Still confused about how Implied Volatility and Skew can affect the probabilities of your trade? In this webinar, Jarad will provide a full overview of Options Volatility from start to finish. We'll cover IV Concepts, Call/Put IV Skew, and MArket Dynamics surrounding them. Additionally, we'll cover how specific strategies carry unique probabilities of profit potential when you have volatility on your side. ...

In our previous webinar, Dr. Reid delved into the essential mental processes crucial for effective trading, as outlined by Daniel Kahnemann—System 1 (Fast) and System 2 (Slow). In this webinar, Dr. Reid with shift focus to another dichotomy within the brain—the Bilateral (left-right) System. The Left Side predominantly handles processing of Facts, Numbers, and Familiar information, organizing them methodically according to established Rules. It embodies traits of logic, analysis, sequence, and deliberation. Conversely, the Right...

Dear Traders, I'm nearly finished with my ski traverse from France to Switzerland. Just one more day to go, and I'll be among those who've completed this amazing, world-famous ski mountaineering traverse. We've crossed some big mountains, passed through high mountain passes, and over glaciers. It's gorgeous here! This is a 7-day, 250km ski mountaineering journey deep in the Alps. I must say, I was afraid of some parts of it. Really afraid. There were big crevasses...

Dear Traders, Happy Inflation Report Day! Today brought us another dynamic day in the market, with the CPI numbers coming in as anticipated. The core inflation rate now stands at 3.2% annually, still overshooting the Federal Reserve's 2% target. NVDA surged by another 7% today, moving toward new all-time highs, possibly nearing $1,000 per share. Once again, the spotlight turns to AI and its impact on our economy and daily lives. AI is really grabbing everyone's attention, and it's...

Dear Traders, This week, we are set to receive tons of important inflation data. Also as we are one week out from the next Fed meeting, I expect to see some extreme volatility in large-cap tech stocks as the rollercoaster continues. AI darling Nvidia soared to a record high last week, but the main question remains, is there a bubble? Or is there more room to rally for SPY, VOO, or Nasdaq QQQ? These massive recent moves caught...

Dear Traders, What a crazy market we had today, hitting another all-time high with SPY and QQQ. NVDA seems poised to hit $1,000 soon, perhaps as early as tomorrow. It was up another 5% today, and over the past 5 days, it has surged over 16%! It might soon surpass Apple and MSFT in market capitalization with this growth. But the best trade of the day was Novo Nordisk (NVO). Last August, I shared my enthusiasm for...

Join Mike as he explores a 6-12 month action plan designed to transform your outcome-oriented mindset into a process-oriented approach capable of navigating the uncertainties of trading. While mastering a trading strategy may seem straightforward in a risk-free environment, the introduction of real money often disrupts our ability to execute that strategy seamlessly. Our life experiences influence our thought processes during trades, and achieving success requires a recalibration of our mindset towards thinking in probabilities...

In this webinar, Mike will guide you through the typical path that traders traverse as they navigate the journey to becoming consistent in their trading. He aims to help you steer clear of the pitfalls that lead to the death cycle of a trader. Mike will explore strategies to break free from the patterns of the death cycle, and he will introduce an insightful observation exercise. Whether you are a new trader or seasoned trader...

We all want to win and hate losing.  It is a powerful bias built into the core of the mind you bring to trading.  And in other areas of your life, it has served you well.  Then came trading.  Your beliefs about winning, and not losing, are put to the test.  Resisting a loss becomes the barrier to becoming a winning trader.  By trying not to lose, your loss is even larger.  Just look at...

Dear Traders, In basic economics, the direction of interest rates impacts a company's theoretical value. When interest rates fall, and all else is constant, the share value will likely rise. Conversely, when interest rates rise, the share value will likely fall, especially for companies like technology firms. This is because the majority of their future revenue is projected to be in the future. Therefore, based on the discounted cash flow model, their present value decreases, since...