I hope it was an amazing week for you and that everyone reading this roundup was able to keep it all green. 84 days after the stock market hit rock bottom on March 23rd, the S&P 500 was up 44.5%. This is more powerful than the surge we saw after the Great Recession’s lows of March 2009. In addition, last week, the Nasdaq made an-all time high, the first such peak in the middle of...

I hope you have all had a great week and were able to keep it green. What a crazy week it was on Wall Street! On Monday and Tuesday, the markets were up and it felt like the new bull rally had begun. By Thursday however, all hell broke loose and the market experienced a big selloff two days in a row. Let’s recap the week together. Monday was an amazing day for the market. The...

To be a successful and competitive athlete, you need to master what Nike calls the 5 facets of training: Movement, Mindfulness, Recovery, Nutrition and Sleep. I really believe that to be successful in any career or endeavor, you need these same 5 facets, albeit with a little bit of tweaking specific to the situation. There is nothing in the world more comparable to trading than highly competitive professional athleticism. Borrowing on the concept introduced by...

I hope you’ve had a great first week of June. If this week has taught us anything, it is that the markets are future looking: they are more concerned with what is about to happen rather than what is happening at the moment. The market had an incredible rally, which was primarily due to the release of far better than expected economic data. The U.S. economy added 2.5 million jobs for the month of May,...

I hope you are all well and have had a green week. This week marked the last trading week in May. Yes! We are officially 5 months into 2020. Whether you had a good month or not, there is an old saying on Wall Street that some of you may have heard before, “Sell in May and go away.” I know many of you want to know if there is any truth to this. Well,...

I join with our American traders and friends this Memorial Day weekend in honoring those who sacrificed their lives for all of the freedoms we enjoy today. Regardless of where you call home, whether it is in the United States or elsewhere, I hope you are well, safe, and of course keeping it green going into this weekend. This was an important week for the markets, as many companies in the retail sector (such as Walmart...

We are seeing a crazy market these days. Airlines are selling off and marijuana companies are ripping higher. The market is telling us this: people do not travel anymore but they do smoke pot! All jokes aside, this week we had an amazing presentation from one of our members, John Hiltz. His talk was entitled: Insights from A Newly Successful Trader. He shared an amazing and inspiring story with us on how when he began trading...

Dear traders: I have a few important announcements to make about our community. The first is concerning tonight’s Success Webinar by our very own Mike Baehr. As you all may have heard several times in our community, trading is a serious business and it needs to be treated as such. Every new business or venture requires a plan or a roadmap that sets out the various stages which will lead to success. Trading is just like any...

Dear traders, As countries and states are slowly reopening, I hope you and those close to you are staying well and in good health. I also encourage you to join me in following all government health directives. This has been a very difficult time for many people and we really do need to keep on flattening the curve. I am writing to you today in order to share a few important announcements. First and foremost, please join...

Dear traders, This is just a reminder that I would like to invite all of you to this week’s special webinar with Dr. Brett N. Steenbarger (trading psychologist) and Mike Bellafiore (cofounder of SMB Capital). This webinar will be facilitated by me and the topic is: Collective Learning In A Trading Community: Including An Inside Look At How An NYC Proprietary Trading Firm Mentors Their New Traders Wednesday, 29 April, 8pm ET Webinar Room (Lifetime members only) & YouTube...