Hello Traders, Happy Valentine's Day! One of my closest friends went on an Ayahuasca trip in Peru. Afterward, I asked him what he learned. I am a big advocate of psychedelics and their experiences, so it was important for me to learn what he took away from that 3-day intense experience. He said he learned that the true meaning of happiness comes from two things: partnership and community. Money can certainly bring comfort and some experiences, but...

Dear Traders, Happy CPI Day! Over the last two years, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), or simply inflation, has caused more market volatility than anything else. The high-interest-rate period and financial tightening we're seeing from the US Central Bank aim to control this inflation. The January figures, released at 8:30 a.m. New York time, were expected to show disinflation spreading from goods to services. But that did not happen. The CPI increased 0.3% last month after gaining 0.2% in...

Dear Traders, Today, history was made! The S&P 500 closed over $500 per share! This is one of the most interesting times, and market volatility has been providing so many opportunities. This week, I missed two trading days, and every trading day was a great opportunity missed. At Peak Capital, we have several members who have already passed the $10,000 max profit mark, just 3 weeks into the formal competition! I cannot wait to hand out a...

Dear Traders, We've witnessed some unprecedented moves in the stock market recently. Last week, META experienced the largest market cap increase in history, soaring over 20%. The US economy has shown a robust labor market, strong growth, 5% interest rates, and disinflation all at the same time since 2023. It seems everyone is quite optimistic this positive trend will continue. NVDA reached a price of $700. Michael Gayed, a persona in X that I enjoy following him,...

Dear Traders, Mark Zuckerberg is probably the villain of social media moguls in the world. He's someone who would sell our data to anyone willing to buy it, even our mothers. He's not exactly popular, especially after the Cambridge Analytica scandal and many others. It's tough to find fans of Zuckerberg these days. He clashed with his co-founders and the Winklevoss brothers, who originally had the idea for Facebook but couldn't bring it to life. But, personally,...

Dear Traders, In 2019, I hosted a meetup in Singapore with some of our traders. One trader who attended was a major marketing expert who was working for Apple and many other big companies in the Asia-Pacific region. During our conversation, he told me that the future of success is “personal branding”, and he shared how people follow leaders and their brands. He gave me some recommendations on how I should present myself as a leader...

Dear Traders, We had another incredible day in the market, with Netflix surpassing Wall Street's expectations. This led to all-time highs in key indexes like the SPY and QQQ. It was an extraordinary day in my 2024 trading journey, marked by a fantastic Opening Range Breakout on NFLX and top-notch risk management on AMD. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest trading recap! Drop your questions in the comments, I'll respond promptly. Checkout today's recap here. Last...

Dear Traders, I did it! We summited Vinson Massif in Antarctica with extreme cold and wind at 03:55 PM on January 19, 2024. I am proud to take our community flag on top of this massif, and I dedicate this achievement to all of you in the BBT Family who have followed my journey, witnessing the transformation to the climber and trader I am today. Climbing Vinson was more challenging than Everest. It was colder, more remote,...

Dear Traders, I've been offline for the past few days, and it feels great to have internet access again and catch up on what's happening in the world, especially witnessing the new highs in the market! Today, I want to share my experience of moving from Low Camp to High Camp of Mount Vinson. After our stop and rest in the Low Camp, when conditions were suitable and the forecast showed stable weather, our team left the...

Dear Traders, I've finally made it to Antarctica! We boarded around 8 am and left Chile at 9 am. Four hours later, we landed on ice, not another typical runway. Because of this, only one airline and very experienced pilots can fly here. Although I'm not a pilot, I can imagine it would be an amazing route to fly! Surprisingly, we do have internet at Union Glacier Camp. It's fascinating how Elon Musk and his Starlink company...