Dear Traders, Today, we witnessed a very strong market, especially led by IWM small caps. As you know, I've been long in TNA for a few weeks, and today, I am enjoying the benefits of a massive gain in this 3x leveraged product of IWM. I still hold the position, with my target set on IWM reaching near $200 levels. Brian also bought some TNA today at the open, live in front of everyone, and he's...

Dear Traders, Today, Thor and I traded at the open, as Brian was delayed in Bogota due to a missed flight but should be back in Canada for tomorrow's trading session. Trading was excellent, with the US GDP reporting a 5.4% growth for the past quarter, significantly higher than expected. The resilience of the US economy in the face of surging interest rates is truly remarkable. I executed one of my favorite trading patterns, the Bullish Engulfing...

Dear Traders, We witnessed some incredible trading today in the chatroom, which is always a source of joy for me. Three traders, Thor, Paras, and Jarad, each approached TSLA differently at the Open, and remarkably, they all ended up making profits. At times, their strategies were completely opposite of each other, but at the end of the day, they all were smiling. Paras even exclaimed, "I am so back," jokingly and saying “I love you TSLA” that...

Dear Traders, The bull market continues its strong run, and it's hard to ignore the exciting moves in the market. One of the most anticipated earnings reports this year was from NVDA, which was released on Wednesday after the market closed. The results were outstanding, surpassing expectations in all aspects. The only concern came from their guidance regarding the impact of China-US geopolitical tensions in the short term. Although investors didn't react significantly to the results in...

Dear Traders, Who would have thought that technology companies, which were struggling in 2022, would reach all-time highs so quickly, in less than a year? The QQQ index, representing the modern-day industrial sector, is now very close to an all-time high. NVDA is trading above $500 again, MSFT is near its all-time high, and Apple, which was struggling with revenue growth, is now trading well above $190. It's indeed a strong bull market. Some people still believe we...

Dear Traders, What a wild week it has been! This week marked one of my biggest closed trading positions, a $100,000 gain in a single day, and it brought a lot of volatility to various names and indexes. There is no better time to be a trader, and I genuinely believe that trading is something everyone should consider learning these days. Maybe day trading isn't for everyone, but having knowledge about trading, in general, is now...

Dear Traders, Happy Veterans Day! Today, we salute our veterans—heroes who've defended our freedom with unwavering courage. We're proud to have two veterans, Mike and John, in our Bear Bull Traders family. Their dedication inspires us daily. Let's honor all veterans today, thanking them for their service. Mike and John while serving at the US military. On this great day, I have great news for everyone! My friend Carlo Zarattini and I, Andrew Aziz, have just completed a groundbreaking study...

Dear Traders, I hope you have been following the exciting events in the market and our chatroom today and yesterday. Before I delve into the story I want to share, I'd like to mention that there is an important recap you should watch, including a special story about someone scamming under my name. Your feedback is valuable, so please leave a note after watching. Now, back to the story about the door. During an IMF event on November...

Dear traders, I apologize for missing the trading session at the Open on Monday, November 6th. I overslept, and due to not feeling well, I decided to take the day off. Regrettably, I also missed celebrating Peter's birthday on Monday! Peter is one of our best traders who joined our community as one of the early members. Since then, we have developed a close friendship, and I hold him in high regard. He's not only a great...

Dear traders, Happy Friday! What a wild week it's been! Ardi really nailed it this week with some amazing trade ideas. He sold puts on TSLA at $185, which turned out to be fantastic. Ardi also sold puts on IWM at $160 and bought calls at $200. Today, with the 3% rally in IWM, it has already brought in some impressive profits! If you haven't been following Ardi's trades, which are mostly options, make sure to connect...